5 Story Ideas for the Past, Present and Future theme.

1. Feminism – Where it was, where it is now and where it is going. Differences between the views of women from the baby boomer generation and those of their daughters and granddaughters. Have we made our elders proud? Are we taking advantage of our opportunities?

2. The evolution of a monogamous relationship – Honeymoon phase to getting comfortable to spicing it up.

3. Monogamy – How has the idea of monogamy evolved over the last couple of decades? Why are divorces more common now and is monogamy going to be an archaic pastime in the future?

4. Mental Health – Although always an issue, it is a more prominent topic in news lately. How has mental health care changed over the years? What are we doing now to help these people and what does the future of mental health look like?

5. Racism – Racism tends to be an ever-evolving topic. We have come a long way but racism is still a very real issue in society today and we still need to work collectively towards being accepting of peoples differences in the future. How do we do this? Is it even possible?