5 Story Ideas for Past, Present and Future.

1. Bridging the Gap

– A photo essay of inspirational elders with accompanying stories, the idea being to re-establish youth and elder relationships in our society.

2. The Music Restoration Project

– Exploring the healing potential of music both physically and spiritually by looking to different cultures, both past and present, who use music more intentionally.

– Would include musician interviews and photo of music “at work.”

3. Bicycle Powered Business

– Profiles of businesses that have traded gasoline for good old-fashioned muscle.

– Photography would be primarily environmental portraits.

4. Storytelling

– Reconnecting with an ancient art to inform and inspire adults of today and children of the future.

– Engaging photographs of people enthralled by storytellers and maybe a few portraits of storytellers.

5. Victoria Hip Hop, Where You At?

– A look at Victoria’s hip hop culture whether it is rising or falling. Would include numerous interviews with local artists, some of whom I have been in contact with already, and hopefully some of the pioneers of the Victoria hip hop scene.

– Accompanying portraits.